I Started a Monthly Subscription Service!

After many years of deliberating, I decided that it is now time for me to start a monthly subscription service for Seventh.Ink. I've seen and heard a lot of interest in something like this, and if it does well I will consider adding other subscription options as well (Shirt of the Month, anyone?). As always, I like to start small and scale up so I hope that people will find this to be an interesting and valuable service!
I'm starting the service sort of mid-month, so this first month will be a little off schedule. The cut-off date is June 30th to get in on the July package. The items for July will ship mid-month, and then we will get on track for shipping early at the beginning of each month.
Each month will feature a NEW design in the form of pins, patches, and even stickers. You can learn more about the service and subscribe on the Subscriptions page. Once you are subscribed, you'll automatically get new items every month. My goal is simplicity and awesomeness all in one.
I am excited to get these new items sent out to everyone. Thanks for your support!